Product Details

packaging film in roll

  • Category Name: Packaging Film In Roll
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Packaging film in roll, also can be called rollstock or rewind film. Its several layers material laminated or single layer material film on a roll. Mainly used for VFFS or Horizontal automatic packing machines or filling machines. Chengde offers this kind of rollstock film for forming stand up pouch, side gusset pouch, special shape packaging for food, detergent, coffee, shampoo, ketchup etc products. Using this roll can speed up your packing speed, and also reduce your packaging and labor cost. 

Roll stock packaging is a common form of flexible packaging typically used in products that require a protective laminate coating or tight sealing.  By using the latest technology and production techniques, our roll stock film quality is superior to other brands. We offer a wide range of customizable options including sizes, colors, materials, and lamination types for various products. At MSI Flexible Packaging, we formulate your roll stock film to your product’s exact specifications. With years of expertise, we will skillfully guide you through the process to make sure you get the packaging you want and that meets your needs.